Ice Cream business for sale in Cape May County, NJ
(Ice Cream & Yogurt Shop, Water Ice)
Cape May, New Jersey
Listed Price: $ 699,000
Listing ID: 1544
Listing DetailsGross Revenue: $ 804,000
Cash Flow: $ 233,000
EBITA: $ 233,000
FFE: $ 350,000
Reason for Sale:
Training & Support:
2 Weeks
OperationsDays & Hours of Operation: Open April thru October 11am - 12 am. Closed November through March.
Employees: 16-20
Absentee Owner: No
LocationLease Expire: 0000-00-00
Square Footage: 1000
Type of Location: Strip Mall
Each location is 1,000 square feet.
SummaryBusiness Description:
Ice Cream business for sale in Cape May County, NJ. Well established business that includes 2 locations. These businesses are located in the heart of a very busy shore town. Prime locations in a high traffic area. Seasonal business with excellent demographics. This opportunity is for business only.